I had my eureka moment this week while reading the epilogue of our text. I found it interesting how it reflects back on all that we've learned while reading the text but also looks forward and makes it a point that what we've learned can be used in the future. I have learned a lot in taking this course and I have a new outlook on the term gender and the different areas I can learn about in. Like the text says "What gender and culture will mean in the future is up to you." (pg. 317). We can all take what we have learned and grow from that and educate others or we can ignore what we have learned and let others dictate what norms are when it comes to genders and cultures. Our text has a section labeled Taking A Voice and I think it is relevant because if we can all find a way to set aside our differences then maybe we can change the future we are heading towards. I think we need to be more open minded and accepting of the genders and cultures that surround us even if we do not understand them or agree with their ways.
Illia - sounds like you and I had a similar epiphany this week! There is not much more I can add to what you posted, I simply agree with everything you said. At dinner on Father's day, one of my daughters said to me that it made her really happy that I took this course so serious and all of them said they noticed a change in me. Enough said.